Auto Flooring Company – Automobile Dealership Lending

Picture of auto keys and receipt

Auto Flooring Company – Automobile Dealership Lending

Prevenovost, Normandin, Dawe & Rocha helps Automobile Dealership Owners with termination of automobile dealerships and buying or selling of dealerships. We represent Buyers, Sellers, and Brokers of Automobile Dealerships. We understand the legal issues facing dealerships, including running dealerships, terminating dealerships, and buying and selling automobile dealerships. We assist with disputes and business litigation concerning Automobile Dealerships including termination notices, breach of contract and other claims.

We manage auto lending accounts, minimizing risk exposure by focusing on collections of automotive loans. We contact customers to determine intent to pay and ability to resolve delinquency. We maintain good customer relations while collecting on delinquent balances and negotiating solutions that are mutually beneficial to the client and Company. We provide assistance by offering solutions based on client’s individual needs with the goal of negotiating immediate payments and/or promises to pay with specified payment dates and amounts. We manage loss control activities such as collections, insurance and repossessions.

We aggressively defend dealers in claims filed by the Department of Motor Vehicles. We aggressively defend dealers in civil litigation. We conscientiously monitor claims turned over to your insurance company. We vigorously assert the rights of dealers.